Feb 9, 2012

Mini RC Car - Part 1

While cleaning up the basement, we came up on that old electric racetrack and finally decided to get rid of that thing.  Of course I kept all the electrical circuitry and the kids kept the cars to play with.

Since I needed another project to start to justify not working on all the important stuff, I decide to re-purpose one of those car into a mini RC car that I would control using my Android phone. Communication will be done through bluethooth which I tested earlier.

My first test was to control the motor using an ATtiny13 Micro-controller.  This chip uses the same code as Arduino but has only 8 pins.  I powered the assembly using a LiPo battery from a dead cellphone.

I started by cutting the frame in two and hot glued a micro servo on the front part.

I then used a PC card slot-cover and bended it into a frame that would join the two half.

To view the whole project, go here